Thursday, February 19, 2009

Elijah turns ONE! part 1.

Our little Elijah turned one year old yesterday! Most of the day was a pretty normal day...mainly because Eli is sick. Poor kid on his birthday :( But he had lots of naps during the day and was alert for a while once James came home from Kalamazoo. YAY, he made it home! He left again this morning but will be back tomorrow night. Anyway, we had cheese ravioli and garlic bread for dinner and then cookies and cream ice cream for dessert. We opened presents before he was too tired and he was very participatory, which was nice. He was excited to be allowed to rip paper! He got 2 of his 3 presents yesterday. Berlin wanted him to have a dinosaur but I couldn't find any young child friendly dinosaurs that made noise (her requirement :)) she picked out an Elmo remote controller, which Eli is insisting is a phone. He seemed to enjoy our singing to him...the look on his face was adorable! Anyway, here was our mini celebration. More to come after Sunday's family birthday party!

p.s. these are not edited for boogers... sorry. a bit on the lazy side. :)

Look daddy!
Woo, ripping paper is so fun!


Berlin helping him open his gift.

Berlin showing him how to sit on his monster chair.

Eli's version of sitting.

Waiting patiently for his new toy.

Talking on his new "phone"

All the ones I was looking at the camera, I had my mouth open. My little punkins!

Eli & Daddy

Ice Cream! YAY

He learned that from me. lol.

Digging in.

I thought this was a funny picture. His face goofy but determined.


Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

Too cute! can't believe he is already 1! Happy Birthday Eli! :)