Thursday, August 21, 2008


I haven't had sushi since before I was pregnant with Eli. My sister and I were supposed to go for sushi at a place that she loves up in Flint, but we haven't made it there yet. Anyway, I've been wanting some for a while and so last night James and I (and the kids) walked to Nobel Fish in Clawson. We got some pocky and picked up some philidelphia rolls for my lunch. Don't they look delicious! Plus, check out the awesome plate! My grandpa gave me 3 plates that were originally part of a tea set. LOVE them. Now they are added to my collection of dessert plates. What is with me collecting dishes? Weird hobby.

And he's going the distance....

Elijah has been an active little guy. He moves from room to room trying to find things to pull himself up on. Yesterday he managed to pull himself up to the chair, couch, baby gate, and all the misc. boxes around our house. I knew that the toilet paper that we had just bought sitting on this tub would be especially inviting. Yep, I know the pictures are bad quality...... but look! Oh and I measured and weighed him yesterday and he is now 18 lbs and 26 inches. About the same weight as Berlin was at 6 months, but a little shorter.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

4th of July...a bit late.

Well, it is a little late, so I shortened the entry... for the 4th we went to Lake Orion fireworks. It was fun except that where we were positioned, we missed the entire finale...didn't see one single finale firework :( BUT the kids had fun seeing the "booms" and Berlin loved the snappy things that you step on. We tried her with sparklers and although she thought they were neat, we had to really watch it because she would try to get really close to the sparkler fire end.
Holly and Berlin.
Gabe's silly faces.
Whoa, they make noises!
Stomping on the snappy things. Joel, Gabe, Berlin, Holly, James, and Eli hiding.
Berlin and I, yay for sparklers.
James and Berlin.

Berlin in July.

As I said before, there were a TON of pictures that I took and didn't here are a few of Berlin in July.
Oh the faces she makes.
Flowers in her pretty.
She insisted that it was a microphone.

Morning Berlin!
And...her posing.
And...her posing again....

She wouldn't stop talking long enough for me to take a picture.
Ripping leaves. These leaves are giant.
Lying below the tree.

Playing with her baby.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Steve's birthday on Friday, we went to Famous Dave's and then to Lapeer Days. Berlin was a brave girl. She rode the sizzler!

Berlin and Chrissy. LOTS of fun! :)

Chrissy and Sarah

Eli, yes, in berlin's stroller.
Me, Ashton, and Chrissy
on the berries ride.
Steve and Mom
Brave child.
Chrissy on the bull.

Me on the bull.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Movers and Talkers.

SO, we've moved. The bathroom isn't quite done but we're making due with the shower and half bath. It was quite a haul to move all our stuff. It is surprising how much a family can accumulate in such a short period of time. Thankfully we had some awesome volunteers to help! Thanks guys! Anyway, we'll have to put up before and after pics up sometime when we finish. It is going to be a little while though. Besides the move, in other things new, I am super excited to have a new fridge! 25.9 cubic feet of food space all cozy in a sleek black LG with ice maker! Yep, I said goodbye to my little fridge and hello to space to fit all my yummy food! What was even better was that I got an amazing deal on it. I should really just put a picture up of it too. Ha.

IN AWESOME NEWS!!! My little Elijah said "mama" today!!! I know I wasn't crazy because Roger and Sarah (my sister) heard it too! I'm excited. :)

Our bathroom....soon.
berlin likes to pick all of the flowers that are in front. and let me tell you...there are a LOT!
Eli hanging in his new room.


August 3rd, both my mom and Steve were baptized at the beach in Fenton. It was a nice family time and neat to see some of the people from the church I went to when I was little. Here are a few:
berlin checking out the fishies
i thought steve looked pretty cool walking down the beach
Pastor Chuck of Calvary Chapel
Steve's baptism
mom's baptism
roger and james
me and mom.
fish face!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Eli in July.

Yes, I'm aware that it is August. I haven't posted nearly enough of the bajillions of pictures that I take. Here are just some of the pictures from July. Elijah between 4 1/2 - 5 1/2 months old.

All smiles for Daddy.
First waking up in the morning, he is a delight!
Look what he found!
Oh, my big boy trying to crawl!
He LOVES this jumper. I love this jumper! I get to get work done when he is in the mood to play.
Like father, like son.

I don't know what this face is...
Looking at Berlin through the window.
Playing with Pinky Pie. She sings and dances for him...he loves it. James, not so much...
A bit bad quality picture, I didn't have a flash...but I thought he looked older in this picture...