Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My current annoyance.

Why, oh why, can't I just like things for decorating that are already made?! I'm so picky because I have ideas in my head for things that aren't made and then I either end up buying whatever and not caring because I get so irritated or go how I still don't have curtains for mine or berlin's room. I have this idea that I want cranberry crochet curtains for my room or something equally neat but don't have the skills to make it myself. I'm looking into other options...but my recent problem is below! I cannot find a shower curtain that will go at all with bathroom! The tiles are a multicolor and the paint is a custom mix that is a neutral of all 4 tiles. I want a natural look to the bathroom since the tiles are stonelike, I'm fine with a shade of red, blue, soft white, patterns, brown...whatever, but NOTHING is working! I've bought several and returned them. I've been to Macy's, Kohl's, Target, Meijer, Walmart, Design Public, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters (love the tree one and am thinking of it but can't tell the color and wonder if the white would be fine...i might just do this). I know, woe is me, right...but it is just irritating. And I would totally just make one on my own but the largest width is 54" and I need 72" unless I want seams. POO!

bought and returned. Like but the green is too weird with the red tones of the walls.
Too white, not soft enough or natural. I kind of liked it with red accents but james thought the pattern looked like snowflakes.


Leah Wentzel said...

lol, the bathroom tile is beautiful, I can see why you are having a hard time. i like the tree one but I wish the background was a color, not white.

have you been looking into the whole midwife thing?

Anonymous said...

I dig the white one - matches the counter tops (or so it looks)