Tuesday, January 27, 2009

11 months.

Elijah is 11 months old and counting... He now has 4 teeth, is walking and climbing with no problems. Running even because his favorite game is "I'm gonna get you", which is hilarious except when he decides to play while I'm trying to get him dressed. He doesn't say many words yet. On occassion he will say mama or dada, but only when he really wants something does he make the effort. He has said "more" a few times because as you can tell, this kid likes to eat! He is taking himself off the bottle pretty early. Lately he doesn't want a bottle except maybe 4-6 oz all day. Usually about 3 in the morning and 3 late evening. He is mainly eating table food now and is doing okay using a spoon.

Here are a few pictures of him at 11 months. My editing software has crashed, so I'm having issues editing correctly, so excuse them if they look unsharp. I NEED lightroom back! Really can't function without it.

In other news, James went to the doctor on last wednesday, to the outpatient clinic in Beaumont and they gave him some prescriptions and a week off work with orders of drugging up, staying on the couch and putting heat on his back. He seems to be getting a little better. He is able to walk upright and is trying to go back to work today. Thanks for prayers! He still has a little ways to go...but I'm glad he is a little relieved right now.

Taking his temperture with the Dr. kit.
Preparing for battle.


Anonymous said...

super duper cute.