Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If the Bible read like a fortune teller...

I'd be a little depressed today.

Thankfully, it doesn't. I've been having one of those days for a few days now. I just feel off. And a little confused. And frustrated. I can't even really explain it logically. Photography is slowing down now and I am so darn happy that it is. I had a bad few weeks with work where anything that could go wrong...does. And sometimes it leaves me questioning what I'm doing.

I opened my bible today and although I'm in Daniel, I open it and the first verse I read was Proverbs 13:19. Which in the bible that I was reading read like this: 'It is pleasant to see plans develop. That is why fools refuse to give them up when they are wrong.' Now I had to sort of laugh when I read that because when I was in junior high I used to close my eyes and just open the bible hoping that God would just have something to tell me on whatever page I opened to. I realize that it doesn't read like a fortune teller and don't do that anymore but thought that the verse I read was an odd coincidence for how I'd been feeling.

I read a little more on that verse and I think my version is not exactly worded well. The more I read on it with other translations...it doesn't mean wrong as in I'm wrong for my plans. But wrong as in evil. Fools refuse to give up evil because of the happiness it can bring. So coincidence, not really with reading more about it. Still something to remember though.

hmm. i'm in a weird mood.