Friday, October 23, 2009

Rainy Day.

Berlin is growing up so fast! She is growing out of her clothes again...which took me by surprise because she leveled off for a little while... maintaining a weight of 29 lbs and 35" tall. She has only gained 1 lb but now 38" tall and grew 2 shoe sizes. She has a lot of interests. Right now she is really into drumming. She makes drums out of everything and uses her "swizzle sticks" which are plastic straws and spoons to bang on arrangements of tupperware or bowls or boxes. She likes boys lately...grrr. There is a tv show called Fresh Beat Band and she loves all the dancing (she knows the dances and songs and performs them wonderfully)...but the boy on the show is her friend. As well as a guy from Imagination Movers with a backwards hat--which apparently makes a boy cool. And my cousin Cameron is her topic of conversation also. Whom also wears a backwards hat. :) So funny. She really likes to tell stories. I enjoy listening to the things she comes up with. But besides her playfulness, she is also a great helper! She helps whenever we ask and is really just a wonderful oldest daughter and big sister to the other kids.

Here is a little collage from a rainy day we had: