Thursday, April 23, 2009

Summer Resolution.

Who says that you need New Year's to make new goals?! James just gave up Mountain Dew! Those of you that know James.... yeah, this is huge for him! It has been since Easter. He is now drinking coffee because he kept falling asleep from lack of caffeine. But it is so much better than the amount of sugar intake. So funny too because Berlin was offended by him drinking it since it is a Mama drink. She ran to tell on him! He had his first cup of Starbucks yesterday!
A blog I read often, Moore Blog, challenged us to make a list of goals for summer... So here goes mine:

1. Try a NEW recipe more often ( i keep saying i'm going to do this but i only do it like once every 2 months)

2. Read my bible more

3. Evening bike rides with family

4. Go to the farmer's market--yipee for moving close to one!

5. Eat healthier and teach the kids healthier eating by doing it myself.

6. Go on more day trips!

7. Journal the kids' lives more often.

8. Have date night consistantly

9. Remember to teach compassion, giving, and love...not just numbers and alphabets.

10. Choose a NAME for this baby girl in my tummy!

11. Step out of my comfort zone and be more friendly to strangers.

12. Play in the sprinkler with the kids

13. Not just plant a garden, but take care of a garden. :)

14. Live simply--be more conscientious of the things I buy

15. Call/write my grandma at least once a month

16. Pudding paint with Eli!

17. Make my bed and get dressed before 10 am for some extra motivation for the day.

18. NO fast food. (usually this wouldn't be an issue except I crave salt when I'm pregnant...but i can't stand when I actually eat that stuff. AND panera doesn't count.)
19. Chill out on perfectionist behavior and thoughts. I'm the only one making myself stressed about silly things.
20. Finish the curtains for the bedrooms

So fellow bloggers.... let's see some of your summer goals!


timmy and erin said...

wow I cannot believe James gave up mt.dew AND drinking coffee! is the world ending??

Good list of goals!

mrskotarski said...

Good luck on your goals Amanda! :) You have challenged me to talk to Jason and come up with our own goals! The one I think about right now is to take daily walks with my daughter and husband when the weather gets nice enough! :)