Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Another new addition.

It is official that my Dad and his wife Angie are expecting a little girl too! So, I will have a half sister and the kids will have another aunt, due September 3rd...and they are thinking the name Myah Rose. (I think that is how they said they are spelling it...) Very pretty :) I'm a little bummed that she is due so close to our baby because I'd love to fly down and take some newborn pictures of her...but we'll work something out.

We really need to get on picking out a name for our girl! We barely have anything to choose from. We have agreed on a couple of names, but I'm sort of losing interest in Zoey and Chloe. I want something pretty, something old, something interesting. I don't want any of those new 'put 2 names together and call it something new' things. I absolutely will not name her anything in the top 25 names for 2008 because I'd hate to have my girl go to class with 4 other Emmas or Madisons. Lol, or Bellas. Bummer too because I like the name Sophia but it is uber popular. Ah.... decisions decisions...


Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

You know - I don't think the name Melanie is in the top 25! - And growing up no ever had my name. Plus you can spell it a bunch of different ways: Melani, Melany, Melannie, Melanee... (hehe)
gosh the possibilities are endless!!! ;0)
Just thought I would help out! LOL
:) ::winkwink::

Cody Jean said...

Congrats to your Dad and Angie! It'll be neat to both have girls so close together. Good luck with the name choice.

amanda said...

Yes, actually I do like your name :) But it would be weird to have 2 melanies in my family. Melanie Mattila is kind of a mouthful too. I was thinking Kevina though. :) lol, just kidding...but now that i said it, it doesn't seem that odd.

Yeah, it will be neat for them to be so close in age!