Thursday, August 21, 2008

And he's going the distance....

Elijah has been an active little guy. He moves from room to room trying to find things to pull himself up on. Yesterday he managed to pull himself up to the chair, couch, baby gate, and all the misc. boxes around our house. I knew that the toilet paper that we had just bought sitting on this tub would be especially inviting. Yep, I know the pictures are bad quality...... but look! Oh and I measured and weighed him yesterday and he is now 18 lbs and 26 inches. About the same weight as Berlin was at 6 months, but a little shorter.


Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

So cute. I love him. His cheeks, his hair and all. :) Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! He's on the move - look out! Brooklyn scoots a few feet but isn't climbing up things like Eli! Time to take the pretty breakables down.