Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday Monday.

Today, I feel very accomplished! I actually had some energy today and did many errands that I have been putting off for a while. Finished getting my business tax info together and started figuring out a new accounting program. As of late, that is quite a day! :D

Part of it is due to my relaxing evenings! James and I decided to implement some new discipline in our own life and the past couple of days it has been working nicely. It is helping give some more order to my day, which I like. Our new discipline is to not have the tv on or do recreational activities until 8pm--basically we do our thing until dinner and then from about 7-8 we straighten up the house and play with Berlin until she goes to bed. So far, so good! Might sound kind of lame, but the small "rule" made a big difference to get things done. And I was able to relax at 8! It gets to be a lot when the day never ends! lol. It is nice to have some set aside family playtime too.

In other random news, James fixed our bathroom faucet. If you know James, that is awesome! :) Our faucet started not shutting off. Not trickling, just full blast water streams. All of a sudden, I hear "I am all that is man!" coming from the bathroom--and TA DAH, the faucet is fixed! YAY!


Leah Wentzel said...

lol, I love James' announcement of success! so funny