Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I had a great birthday! My mom came and watched the kids for James and I to have a date day. It was really nice to spend some with James without the kids, especially since it has been 24-7 kids without a break of work or anything lately. We went to the ice skating rink by us, to the DIA, and then to eat some mexican food.

After a wonderful breakfast prepared by James, he brought out my gifts. A tri/monopod! I haven't had a tripod in a couple of years... and have been wanting one to do some long exposures.

Camera was out...so of course she had to pose. She says she learned this pose from Hannah Montana.

Eli too!

Berlin helping open my presents.

Yep, I read kid books.

woo, weird to see pictures of me without makeup on. don't worry, there aren't anymore! lol.

Here I am after my triple axel. That James just couldn't catch me in action, I'm too fast for him. :)



Anonymous said...

I can't believe he missed your triple axel!!