Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Thanksgiving?!

Yeah, behind on posting some of the photos that we took because they have been sitting on James' camera. I have a list of to do's that I'm really hoping to get to this week! Every time I think I'm going to have time... I end up with something getting added that needs to take precedence. 'tis life. I did manage to cross something off my list though....getting the pictures off of James' camera. Really, my motivation for that is that I am super paranoid that we are going to lose all of the video that we have taken of the kids. I wanted it backed up. I have video from when Elijah was born that I really wanted saved. So I have quite a few on DVD now and on the backup hard drive. I ran into a little hiccup because my iMac doesn't support the firewire cable that I already have for video transfer so in a few more evenings it should be all done once I picked that up. It is sort of nice because it doesn't take up all that much time since I just plug it in, record, and walk away... add a title page and burn. I'm not fancy about it.

Anyway, below are some photos from Thanksgiving at my mom's house.

Izzie, Matt, and Chrissy.

Sarah, Ryan, and Steve watching the game.

Uncle Bruce, Alissa, and Aunt Barb.

Randoms from his camera and my phone (i apologize for the blurry, dark mess that are most of these fault)

Isadora and daddy.

Pudding face! Are we bad parents that we laugh?!

looking good in his winter scarf...

out to dinner with my parents

this is just gross. Berlin added shrimp tails, crab ragoons, and fortune cookie to her ice cream.

He sat there like this just so serious. What a silly kid!

One of the MANY self portraits that Berlin takes.