Thursday, November 20, 2008

This week in Mattila.

So wedding season has come to an end for me and I've had a little more time on my hands! I started going to the gym which is super awesome since I haven't gone since I hurt my foot. My next project is organizing my office, making Eli's photo book, and as some of you know... attempting to reupholster a couch. James is getting close to done on the bathroom tile! Yippee. It looks really nice. So hopefully we'll be able to put in the vanity and toilet by Monday and we'll have a real bathroom!

Here are few snapshots from this week. I have more but my other hard drive is upstairs. AND my legs are sore from my whole 3 days of working out.

Proof! He is walking!! click to enlarge.

Yummy pizza!

No, I'm not trying to be a model. :) Berlin wanted to take pictures.

A new photographer in the house :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I caught Eli, out of the corner of my eye, taking some steps while playing in Berlin's room. I thought maybe I was mistaken so I didn't make a big deal out of it. Then he started walking along the wall and walked into my room, shutting the door behind him... all by himself, taking a little step here and there. I coaxed him to walk to Berlin and he took three steps. By the end of today, he walked about 7 steps (very small ones) to try to get himself from James to a toy. We thought he was going to make it the whole way, but he lost his balance.

He is growing so fast! He barely lets me cuddle him anymore! I'm sad. But this new milestone means he is almost a toddler and despite the constant attitude from Berlin (which I'm convinced that Eli won't have because of the very different personalities), toddlers are fun! So I guess, I'm looking forward to the finger painting and dancing and crazy stories coming from Eli soon.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Levi and Eli.

Yeah, the kids have a hard time saying their names sounds like EI and EI.
Anyway, Holly and Joel came over last night for a little while and I took a few pictures of Levi and Eli. These were taken in my room at night! Thank you lights! I am so happy with that purchase :)

Levi toes!

He slept for about 5 minutes...

Smiles. Teeth. Happy. Eli.

Happy Halloween!

We were lucky this year and had some wonderful weather for trick or treating. It got to 70, very unusual for Michigan but I wasn't complaining. Elijah went as a monkey and Berlin as a ballerina. We went trick or treating in our neighborhood with Sarah, Ryan, Ashton, Holly, Joel, Gabe, and Levi. Then on Saturday we went to celebrate Bob's birthday and the kids went on a mini hayride together. A weekend full of cousin playtime, Berlin was happy :)

Gabe (shining knight), Eli, Berlin, Ashton (army brat)

Berlin and Ash

Levi, the sweetest hot dog ever.

Guess she was practicing her scary face...

The first door.

This yard scared the kids.

Making apple crisp with Nana.Owen peeling apples.

Papa took them for a ride.

Again, an attempt at a cousin picture.

Eva and Berlin.

Little ballerina.

These kids are insane.

Chunky monkey :)

TOO cute :)