Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wow. Juggling acts aren't easy!

This blog isn't over! I promise! I've just had a whirlwind lately. Some of you know of James working in Pennsylvania the past 2 weeks...on top of all the other stuff, it makes it hard to find time to blog. I plan to pick it up again on a regular basis the minute things calm down here. But, in the meantime, make sure to check my Photography Blog at which should stay updated. I plan to add more of my personal life on there as well. Not as open as I am on here... but you know... pics of the kids and stuff.

My new blog makes it super easy to do the photos too because I can load them right from my blog site...I don't have to host elsewhere which is awesome.

So for a little update of the last month or so:

Berlin is now sharing a room with Isadora. Eli has his own room. Good...almost all around! Isadora is getting older now and I trust Berlin with her. Elijah had given Berlin a black eye while she was trying to sleep (on accident) because he wants to play at bedtime. Now that they have their own rooms... Bedtime is SOOO much easier! There isn't anyone to feed off of when behavior is less than optimal.

My dad, Angie, and grandma came to visit at Easter with Myah. I was pretty excited to meet her! She looks just like my dad. She was a sweet baby...and all the kids liked having her around. It is unfortunate that I won't be able to be around her as much as she grows up. We had a nice Easter though with both of my sides of family...felt like I was 8 again.

Elijah is saying a lot more now. I think his frenulum is receding a little...not that I'm sure it effects it or not. He has a dentist appointment next Monday to check everything out. His newest things is "no, wait" "not yet" and "in a minute". Irritating but funny too. And I'm just so happy that he is putting more words together.

Isadora is growing so quick! She says "mama" and "dada" with purpose. As well as babbles a lot. She can crawl and has pulled herself up to standing. She tries to walk along things sometimes but not so great. She was really proud of herself by taking the walker across the kitchen...big smiles. She is teething really bad these last 2 weeks. I'm taking her to the doctor today though because I'm wondering if her whines also mean an ear infection. We'll see. For the most part, she is a super happy baby...and a mama's girl. She is eating a ton now...which now includes a bottle a day, usually. As well as cereal, veggies, and fruit. She has eaten banana and baby rice puffs too.

James has been working in Erie, PA as well as odd jobs for this same contractor. He just got called back for some work at CCM where he sorta was employed by for the last 2 years. I'm not too keen on him working there so I'm hoping he'll find a job with a more communicative, competent and honest boss...that pays him. He was offered a job in Tennessee... the job isn't a for sure yet. We will find out in July. We are talking about going down to there to do a test run with the contractor at the beginning of July to see about it. James has been gone a lot so we haven't had much time to sit down and talk things we'll see. Weighing our options and praying on things. He still plans on going to school this fall to pursue writing in some fashion. He also started a blog that he hasn't published yet. He has some really great ideas that I'd love to see written. Time...time... ah, not enough time.

Me, not much of an update. I've got the studio but haven't had many opportunities to do anything yet. So... we'll see.

Pictures soon... I hope! I do take a bajillion. :D