Friday, July 10, 2009

Dancing Days.

Berlin started dance class yesterday! It is a preschool dance to just get warmed up. She had a great time! She was a little bummed because she said she wanted to do Plies (i think that is how it is spelled)...but she did do some jazz stepping across the floor...which turned into a twist sort of bunny hop. She cracked the parents up by her spontaneous change of the dance move. We could only peek through this little part in the blinds to not distract the kids...which stinks for trying to get pictures. But here are a few that I took. Also, a random one from this morning. The kids huddled in the coffee cart table thing. Pretty much a daily ritual for them.

Other news, which isn't really news... Eli went to the pediatrician on Wednesday. They don't think the lip tie will have much impact on his speech. They would like me to see a dentist but we can't until he is over 2. They think it will affect his teeth and he will probably need braces. I'm just hoping he won't need it cut. He is going to be seeing a speech therapist for more evaluation. They did order a hearing test and some horrible blood tests. (seriously traumatizing for me and him! he turned purple twice from not breathing and we had to lift him up and sorta shake him. Why they would strap a kid down and do that to test for LEAD?! i really feel like with the next one i'm just going to do the typical shots and tell them to kiss off for the random testing for anemia and lead.) His hearing test is on Monday, although I'm sure he doesn't have a hearing problem. I'm pretty convinced at this point that if the lip tie isn't affecting his is just because he doesn't want to yet. Berlin talks for him a lot and he is able to communicate pretty effectively.

Ha ha, and in MY week. I had some focusing issue with my newest camera-5D. Which is out of warranty. I sent it in to be checked and found out that to get it checked (without repairing the problem, it is going to be $202...then if there is a problem, it will go up from there.) So that stinks. Then, I'm trying to shoot the other day with my backup camera and I get an ERROR 99 code...which is basically like the check engine light coming on in your car. It could be a number of things wrong including a bad shutter. SO now I have to send that in to be checked and pay for that to be fixed. So now I am camera-less and have 3 sessions next week and 3 weddings coming up. I'm sort of in a panic to try and find a camera or 2 to use. I also just sold one of my lenses to a girl in Canada...and I stupidly shipped it through US Post rather than Priority and international doesn't it has been 13 days and she hasn't gotten it. It could be held up in customs and so I've got one annoyed girl emailing me everyday. Fun fun. BUT in good news, Berlin was asked to be a model for a Child Photography workshop by one of Kate's old friends that is hosting the workshop...the photographer is from Seattle and holds these workshops around the country to teach people techniques on child portraits. Because Berlin is going to be modeling, I get to attend for free basically--I don't get to shoot, but it should be some learning. Plus, I get more pictures of Berlin! :) That is tomorrow pictures should be soon!

Photobucket Berlin before class.


Photobucket Waiting for class to start.

Photobucket A little glimpse of her.



Cody Jean said...

:) We all go through sucky times, so hopefully things will look up soon.

Keith didn't talk forever either because I talked for him. He got better when I started pre-school and he was home alone with my mom.

Berlin is so cute in her little dance outfit. Fun Fun.