Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What A Day!

So today was one of those days. Here is how I woke up: **warning** don't read if you don't want to hear about gross things.

Elijah somehow climbed out of his crib noiselessly and went in the bathroom to play in the toilet water. This is the first time he has gotten out of his crib and Berlin just so happened to have peed in the middle of the night and we didn't flush.... so fun fun clean up! Wet toilet paper all over and the rug was soaked!

Berlin went poopy on the toilet and somehow managed to get it ON her toilet seat and on her back. Then after a shower, she started to poop a little and got it on her towel and underwear because she thought she just had to toot. Yep, i'm talking about poop on my blog. I'm cool. Life of a mom I guess.

Okay, so after THAT.... I made the kids breakfast of eggs, toast, and raspberries. I usually add fruit along with protein and grains and just happened to have chosen the very stainy raspberries today. I should have known with the way the morning started. Berlin proceeded to throw up her breakfast all over the carpet. So I ran to get the 60 lb carpet cleaner from the basement (that thankfully I still have borrowed from my mom) and scrubbed the carpet to get all the stainy seeds.

I feel like my morning should have been classified as a sitcom morning or something.

I have absolutely no motivation to work right now. I have several orders to put in and a wedding to edit. I have baby on the brain right now. I just want to organize and clean but haven't because 1. I've been to busy cleaning up messes 2. been at the doctors 3. feel like i should be doing work. I'm going to plan for getting some things done tomorrow afternoon though and hopefully get everything done this week so that I can focus on the baby stuff that I want to.

I had a check up today and things are going well with both the baby and I. James and I have been spending more time talking about baby names and have it narrowed to five. We had a longer list of names we had kind of liked but then we each listed our top 5 faves and took off those that didn't match. I'm debating sharing the list. Mainly because I know which ones people will like but I don't want to base it all on what other people would choose. We are going to use only family names for the middle name though...so as of right now the middle name will be Christina, Elizabeth, Jane, or Anne. I wanted to try to use Lee (my mom's middle name) but it doesn't fit with any of our choices.

Keep James in prayer. He is hurting worse today (worse than he ever has). He must have moved wrong or something and he is getting some really bad nerve pinching. We learned a few things about what is going on and what we are going to be having to do. He is going to be scheduled for an MRI now. The doctor is a little concerned because of the progress being so slow and wants to make sure that it isn't a tumor in his spine or something else foreign causing the discs to separate. Another issue may be that his ruptured disc may be very very large and unable to shrink...which would also mean surgery. So right now we aren't really hoping for any of the things it could be...but kind of just hoping for it to disappear miraculously since all of the options suck. The doctor had put James in traction and started the spinal decompression which is giving him some relief and was making a good difference until this afternoon. Anyway, please keep him in prayer for the doctors to direct him in the right way and for his pain to be relieved.

Now, I must go figure out something for dinner. Have a nice night!


Sarah Ski said...

Hey, if there's anything we can do for you guys to make life a little easier, please don't hesitate to say so!

Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

Aw Manda! Sounds like quite the day, :(

We will keep James in our prayers. Sorry to hear he's hurting so bad. :(

Cody Jean said...

Oh good. So now I can talk about poop on my blog. I've just been waiting for someone to set the precedent.

But seriously, I'm totally blogging about poop tonight. :)

Leah Wentzel said...

:( what a day, i am glad you guys are ok for the most part and we will pray whatever is going on with james isn't serious-as in surgery serious

Mattila said...

Thanks guys :) Yes, we are hoping that whatever this turns out to be that he is able to heal quickly. That the MRI will shed some light and it will give hope for a real solution.

lol, well now i have to read your poop blog cody!