Friday, June 5, 2009

Uncaged: Night 2.

Last night didn't go too bad with Eli. He took a while to get to bed but then he stayed in bed all night. So that was nice. Naptime today did not happen though. He just wouldn't go to sleep. He fell asleep on the couch tonight with James and so we ended up putting him to bed a little later and he cried for about 5 minutes and is now asleep. Yay!

It is weird to think about him being a "big boy". I still think of him as my baby. So the discipline and stuff seems different with him.

Poor kid though---he is teething again. He is getting a molar. And possible front tooth too. So eating hasn't been so great. Today he barely ate anything. He cried and cried when we gave him chicken and potatoes. Coleslaw he was downright offended by. After like an hour I finally was able to give him some watermelon and cottage cheese just so he'd eat. Lunch, he turned down cheese and chicken noodle soup. Last night, couscous (which he usually loves) decorated our floor. It was a mess. He is even refusing milk. He doesn't refuse graham crackers from Berlin, of course! OH, the fun stuff with a new toddler!

James has an MRI scheduled for tomorrow. Today he is feeling a lot better. Pinching but at least he can get comfortable when lying down. And he can walk to the kitchen and bathroom without too much pain. But the nerves keep moving spots to target. It will be his hip one minute and then the next it is his calf. So he never knows what is going to affect what. Anyway, I'll keep you updated on the results!

Okay, pictures soon! I'm like 1/2 done with editing my last wedding. I ended up not doing any work today except laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, doctors, and nap! I had some crazy leg cramps this morning. They lasted forever! I've been having morning sickness all week and hip/pelvic pain but yet... I love being pregnant. I'm so happy to feel her moving around. She is liking my ribs for some reason but she is pretty small right now so it isn't painful. Even with all the stuff going on...I'm really trying to enjoy this last pregnancy. :)

Random note: Berlin is crazy with her stories! She usually has lots of stalling tales to tell us once she goes to bed. She is scared of her closet because the doorknobs look like eyes...or she is in desperate need of cereal in the morning and must tell us now. Tonight, she is insisting that there is a cock-a-doodle doo in her room.