Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day 2007!

Thank you everyone for the wonderful time and company over Christmas as well as the gifts for all four of us! Christmas Day was spent at home in the morning. Berlin opened gifts (as James and I opened ours a few days earlier, per usual) and we had pancakes. Then Berlin took a much needed nap and we went to my parent's house for dinner.
Merry Christmas!
Berlin washing dishes in her new kitchen.
She was a little distracted by video games.
Berlin and her Daddy.
Uncle Chuck wouldn't let me take a picture with his glasses on. :D
Roger and his fiance' Sarah.

Berlin on her new power wheels quad from Grandma and Grandpa.
Giving her baby a ride.
Garrett and fuzzy new foot decorations.
James in his new hat.
Berlin and Ashton. Ashton had the high score for the Rubiks game for the night!

Mattila Christmas Eve.

Our second night of festivities was with the extended Mattila family on Christmas Eve. Pictures are better than my
Yummy food!
Our attempt at a picture of all the great grandkids. Didn't work too well.
All the grandkids. LOVE Egan's face!

Lindsay and Eva.
Heather and Owen.
James, Tim and Egan.
Berlin, very excited by her big box she gets to unwrap!

On The First Day of Christmas...

Our beginning of Christmas gatherings actually started only on the 23rd this year, rather than the week before! Erin and Timmy were in town, which was great! BUT-I didn't get ANY pictures of them! I attempted a few times and each one has someone's head or a camera in the way!! ha, oh well... we know they were there. Anyway, we began our Christmas with a great dinner at Bob and Judy's followed by some noisy gift opening with all the kiddos. :D
Berlin with her stocking from Nana and Papa.

The one picture of Egan without toys blocking his face :D
James looking semi grumpy...but oh so nice in his argyle sweater.
Kaylee, either excited or surprised?!
Owen opening his present.
Nana made Berlin a doll quilt to match hers! So pretty!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cookie Time!

We made cookies! Berlin did all the decorating. She was very serious about spreading the frosting...until about cookie #15, then she decided it was time to eat one.

clean up time. frosting was EVERYWHERE!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa Al.

Today I took Berlin to my mom's work because Al was there dressed up as Santa. She wasn't very happy with me--even turned down a sucker. It was much better when Mommy stood with her. Here are the pictures:

Icy Cold White Uck.

A few from her first time with snow. Once she tries sledding, I'm sure her mind will change. OH! Just wanted to let a praise report known.... HER NAIL IS GROWING BACK! Yay! I was really worried but it looks like it is coming in nice.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Xmas Card Material....finally!

Okay, there has been several xmas card picture attempts. Finally, I managed to get a few of her smiling. The first time, I took her outside to play in snow...well, she doesn't like snow. The same reaction to snow as at first to sand... "ewwwww" "yuuuuck!". So needless to say, those looks on her face looking like she just smelled some really gross was not the best for sending out. Anyway, here are a couple from today. Much better.

Family Fun :D

Last night we let Berlin stay up a little later than normal because James working so late has been leaving him with little time to be around her. Anyway, we all hung out in the living room playing Guitar Hero and when Berlin wasn't dancing around to the music, she was pretending to play just like Daddy.