Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thank You Thursday. {Virgil's Root Beer}

I've been brainstorming like mad for my business. Reading a TON whenever I'm able and coming up with ideas for marketing, my branding, as well as what I want to do. One thing that I'm really going to be revamping is my online stuff--my website needs a rehaul for what pictures I show but the blog could be better for sure. Including actually posting often... right now I really don't like posting on my business blog. i'm trying to get James to take over for me. :) Anyway, one thing that I was thinking I'd do is have a daily theme of posting and Thursdays is going to be Thank You Thursday.

I'm going to try it out on my own blog first though because I'm not going to be redoing my online stuff until this winter. And this week I am thankful for Virgil's Root Beer! I know I've already posted before about how much I love Trader Joe's... but really, they rock for bringing the quality. Virgil's is a gourmet root beer, hand crafted and microbrewed with herbs from around the world. Immediately you can taste the different flavors: clove, anise, molasses, and flavors that you wouldn't expect in root beer like wintergreen. Their website says that they are "what Ben and Jerry's is to ice cream"...and that is the truth. I don't particularly like to drink pop as a usual beverage... I stick to my water, tea, and coffee. But when I want a treat-- this soda does the trick.