Monday, June 2, 2008

June already!?

We had a great weekend! Friday we did a food drive with our church which had a great turn out. We had a ton of clothes and food and within an hour, all the clothes were gone.
Saturday we went out and got bikes and a kid bike trailer so that we can start doing family bike rides. James' new bike is a cool graphite color and mine is bright pink (also got some shoes to match! :D) We ended up only having time to go around the block a couple times, but Berlin loved it.
Sunday we went to the Seymore Lake Park in Oxford with the Warnke's and then went to Cook's Farm Dairy for ice cream. The kids were hilarious with the cows. There was one cow that seemed rather upset at being in the pen and kept mooing very unhappily, the kids seemed to be fine until that unsettling sound came at them.

James' new bike and Berlin in the trailer.
Berlin on her bike.
Berlin being a ham. Gabe likes to run fast!
The dairy farm.
The silos made noise and Berlin insisted there were airplanes in there.

Making cow noises.....MOOOOOO.


Sarah Ski said...

oh my gosh, when did gabe get all that hair?!?!

Dawn Blay-Smith said...

WOW Berlin is freaking cute. How do you stand it? Great pics

Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

Post a picture of your cool new Pink bike!

Jason Kotarski said...

Bikes are so sweet! Baby trailer are even cooler!