Friday, May 16, 2008

Bone Scan is Ready!

Actually, I think it was Bone Saw... (spiderman quote)... Anyway, James took today off work because I have my bone scan this morning. So hopefully we'll know soon what is up! I'm a bit nervous about the injection because I hate shots. I'm worse with getting blood taken but the thought of nuclear material being injected into my body just freaks me out. James was joking that maybe I'll get some super powers. How cool would that be?! Hmm, what super power would you want? Comment if you feel like sharing! Mine would probably be telekinesis. I would love to move things with my brain. Plus, that would include myself, so i could fulfill those odd dreams we have probably all had about flying. Only I wouldn't have to flap my arms. :D I'm in a weird mood this morning if you can't tell!

Here is a picture I took of James while he so indulged me by modeling for an idea I had. I'm not allowed to show the pictures that I took except this one because he thinks he looks silly. Anyway, James and his wolverine face....
OH, and Happy Birthday Tim...If you read this blog. :D